Get Paid To Surf the Web!

Do you get tired of looking at banners and getting nothing from them?  What if you got paid for just having them on your screen?  That's how these programs work!   You sign up and get a banner placed your screen when you're on the Internet and get paid for having it there.  There on three different programs that work like this, AllAdvantage, GoToWorld, and ePIPO.  Below is a chart of comparisons for your convenience.  To sign up, click on each companies name directly above or below.

AllAdvantage GoToWorld ePIPO
Rate for yourself $0.50 / hour $0.40 / hour $0.60 / hour
Rate for your referrals $0.10 / hour $0.10 / hour $0.10 / hour
Rate for your level 2* referrals $0.05 / hour $0.15 / hour $0.10 / hour
Rate for your level 3* referrals $0.05 / hour $0.20 / hour $0.10 / hour
Rate for your level 4* referrals $0.05 / hour n/a $0.10 / hour
Rate for your level 5* referrals $0.05 / hour n/a $0.10 / hour
Do they allow international members? Yes Yes Yes, but in US money
How old do you have to be to join? Any age 18 Site doesn't say
Can the banner be minimized at any time? Yes Yes Yes
Can I quit the program at any time? Yes Yes Site doesn't say
Maximum hours you can be paid for 15 now, 40 later 40 50
Has the banner program been released yet? ** YES No

*  Level 1 is the people you refer, Level 2 is your referral's referrals,
Level 3 is your referral's referral's referrals, etc.

**  AllAdvantage is releasing their program on a first come,
first served basis so only the first members have it now.

Here's some extra info to keep in mind about all of these great programs.  There is no cost to join any of them.  Even if your referrals surf more than you, you will only be paid up to the number of hours you surfed yourself (if your referral surfs 40 hours and you surf 30, you only get 30 hours of credit).  You must have at least $20 due to you before your check is mailed.  At the end of the month, if you don't have $20, your balance will be carried over to the next month.  Don't worry, you won't loose your credit.

Would you like to be notified when each program fully starts and when I recieve my first checks (so you'll have proof these are legitimate)?  Just put your e-mail address into the first box below and I'll e-mail you when I get my first check for each program!

After you sign up, please put your e-mail address in the 2nd box below so that I can give you referrals tips and other helpful information.  Thanks!

Sign up here!  Just click on each name!

AllAdvantage GoToWorld ePIPO

Got questions?  Just e-mail them to me at!

Get e-mailed when each program fully starts and
when the first checks are mailed for each program!
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programs and I will personally help you get referrals!
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